12-29th of October

Techno, Weapons, Prayers

It seems like the whole world is just a burden on your shoulders. Nobody understands you. Everyone has to find their own spot under the sun or a shelter to hide in. Techno, guns, prayers – everyone will find their own way. The heroes of this programme have to invent themselves again and they do it with great courage and inspiring openness. Perhaps we are much more alike than it may seem?

Free society and its enemies

You don’t need a gun to seize power. All it takes is clever manipulation of facts and laws. The films in this programme draw the camera to the challenges a free society may face and the tests that democracies have to pass. Is it still important for us to foster political community? Or is the Trumpian promise to win at all costs, even at the cost of destroying equality, already dominant today?


Step into a world of love through this captivating program. It traverses the spectrum from eternal selflessness to deathly possession. These documentaries weave personal stories into universal themes of love, empowerment, memory, and societal norms. They challenge conventions, whether in defying relationship norms, battling gender expectations, or guiding loved ones through their Alzheimer’s.


The Russian war against Ukraine is forcing Europe to remember the concept of crimes against humanity. Dictatorships killing their own citizens, ISIS fighters, war criminals on trial in The Hague – the films in this programme draw the cameras to those who cannot be forgiven. But can they be understood?

Content Units

There are more than 45 billion cameras on this planet. We very likely consume more visual content in one day than our great-grandparents did in their whole lifetime. Most of the time, the cameras are looking straight at us, yet films in this programme invite us to take a step back and look back at the camera: what can we see there? The light that refracts inside the lens then unexpectedly opens up the truth about our twofold nature as human beings – that is both good, and evil.


Am I a body, or do I have a body? Little by little society is becoming more open to broader definitions of body, gender, and sexuality. Nevertheless, sometimes it seems that the stereotipical expectations put upon us are just too persistent: how one has to look – what to show and what to hide; how one has to treat their body – what is acceptable and what is not. In most cases the standards are simply based on sexism, homophobia or ableism. But can we move forward, towards a freer world?


Extended reality programme NK-INTERACTIVE presents not only virtual reality films, but also new technology forms such as games, video installations and interactive experiences. The newest media innovations present bold scenarios for the future, leading viewers forwards, together. We explore the contemporary bond between human and reality, glancing through the prism of a virtual body. Themes of ecology and sustainablity unravel in the post-anthropocenic world. Gender and sexuality are discovered through a non-heteronormative, non-binary prism. | NK-INTERACTIVE will be open in the basement of the Museum of the Radvilas Palace from 18-28 October.


As the planet changes, so must people. Adaptation will affect what we eat, how we spend our free time and what we consider nature. The world is becoming harder and harder for civilisation to control. And it is increasingly fierce in its efforts to remake the Earth in its own image. The Green selection focuses more than ever on our relationship with our rapidly changing environment. From the new genetics of oranges to the last humans on the planet.


For more information on the programme, call 1482.


The programme for youth features witty, inspiring, world-changing stories. Sometimes inconvenient, but always real.



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