2025 | 7-26th of October


We believe that the true stories shown at the festival inspire people to change. Every year, we take great care in selecting the festival’s film programme, thinking about how each story told at the festival can be brought closer to the audience, accompanied by a meaningful event or an inspiring experience. And this focus on quality is gratifying – as many as 8 out of 10 festival-goers agree that “Inconvenient Films” movies influence their values (RAIT survey, May 2023).

The festival reaches a live audience of 17 000 each year, works in partnership with 260 Lithuanian libraries, runs educational screenings for schoolchildren across Lithuania and has been mentioned at least 250 times in the media. Perhaps you are looking for opportunities to reach audiences in the regions, planning educational activities for schoolchildren, or looking to spread the word about your project on a national level? With a track record of successful partnerships with a wide range of organisations, we invite you to become a partner of the festival and work together towards common goals!

If you are interested, please share briefly the goals of your project, the planned activities, the target audience, a brief description of the resources you have available and the kind of involvement you would like us to have. Once we have heard your needs, we will look for ways to include them in the programme of the next year’s festival.

Get in touch:
Festival Director Gediminas Andriukaitis | gediminas@nepatoguskinas.lt
Festival Coordinator Emilija Statinaitė | emilija@nepatoguskinas.lt


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