2025 | 7-26th of October
France I 2023 I 70 min. I PG
Camille Etienne is 23 years old. She is a french activist for climate and social justice. After fighting for several years to raise public awareness on the climate crisis, she sails away with her camera and her two best friends to Iceland to witness for herself the very reason behind her commitment: the melting ice.
With disarming sincerity, humor and determination, they invite us to reconsider our most firmly rooted certainties, take a step back, reconnect with nature and fill ourselves with wonders.
Because today, it is also against denial, helplessness and the feeling of illegitimacy that we must fight.
Festival de Cinéma Européen des Arcs 2022
Festival dei Popoli 2023
Krakow Film Festival 2024
“Docs for Kids” is presented by the Inconvenient Films Class.