2025 | 7-26th of October
Belgium I 2024 I 15 min. I PG
The two sisters, Fien (age 10) and Hannah (age 13) are each other’s best friends. They do everything together and tell each other everything. No secret goes unspoken.
But one day their relationship changes when a crocodile comes between them. The crocodile was always there, but comes to life after a mean comment about Hannah’s appearance. Hannah does everything she can to hide the crocodile, but it continues to grow. Soon Fien notices that something is going on. She reads that the crocodile is an eating disorder that takes over your mind and manipulates you.
From then on, Fien does everything she can to fight the crocodile for Hannah. But sometimes, if it disappears, it only means Hannah is lying.
JEF festival 2024