2025 | 7-26th of October


We are inconvenient so we could inspire you to (bring) change.

Together with Lithuanian Human Rights Center we bring discomfort every year, and we are not limited to selected human rights documentaries: meetings with filmmakers and discussions with film stars, human rights activists and experts are a no less important part of our mission. As are film screenings in alternative spaces, VR sessions, exhibitions and other ‘non-format stuff’ that liberates creativity and – ourselves.

Inconvenient Films aims to be a nationwide platform for media and human rights education, making a significant and lasting change in society.

Although non-commercial and inconvenient, we are one of the most visited cinema events in Lithuania, attracting more than 18,000 spectators to our activities every year. And we are the only international human rights documentary film festival in the Baltic countries since 2007. Our working principles:

Relevance | Courage | Openness | Inclusivity | Innovation


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